Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Room 1's Inquiry

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  1. Lorelle Stranaghan20 March 2013 at 22:06

    Wow - you guys look really focused on your learning ! Great work kids & you rock Miss Coffer

  2. Thanks Mrs Stranaghan for commenting on our blog. You should see the questions we have just come up with for inquiry they rock. We are exploring acid rain, the ozone layer, UV rays and the green house affect.
    From Room One!

  3. I am enjoying inquiry this term.I am learning more about my carbon footprint and the green house effect!

  4. Inquiry this year is probaly the most interesting inquiry sbject ever! I wonder what other new facts I might find out. It is so exciting.

  5. Teagan (Braydens older sister)26 March 2013 at 21:07

    Sound fun, Brayden has told me a lot about your learning, Great work!

  6. I cant wait till next term. I really want to learn about the ocean!
