Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Maths - statistical investigation

In room 1 we have been learning about our carbon footprint and green house gases. In maths we are doing a statistical investigation in groups to find out how environmentally friendly room 1 & 2 are. Here are some pictures of us brainstorming appropriate questions. Watch this space to see what we find out........
From Room 1


  1. Congratulations room 1 on using your iPad so quickly. What a great way to show the learning through Pic Collage.
    Just a tip, if you want to save your Pic Collage to the camera roll, tap on the far right button with the arrow and tap the option to save to LIbrary. Now your Pic Collage is a photo in your camera roll!
    I wonder what other ways you could use Pic Collage?
    Keep up the fab work!

    Mrs Prescott

    1. Thanks for the lovely comment on our iPad work Mrs Prescott. Thanks for the tips on Pic Collage. We have just been discussing ideas on other ways we could use Pic Collage for. We are amazed at what we can achieve with it!
      Thanks from Room 1
