Saturday, 13 April 2013

Basic facts Website

When you click on the link go onto Number Pyramid. Then pick the level that best suits you. You could even teach your little brother or sister!
Have fun and comment about what you thought of the website.
Miss Coffer

Saturday, 6 April 2013

Equal Addition Strategy

Math Magicians have been looking at different strategies to help them solve subtraction problems (up to 4 digits). Here is Caitlyn and Rachel showing us the equal addition strategy. What we need to remember for this strategy is:
1. It only works for subtractions
2. We need to add the SAME number to each one
3. We do not need to do any compensating at the end because if you have added the same number to each one you will still get the same answer
Have a look! And comment if you learnt something new or if you have any questions about the strategy as the Math Magicians would love to answer them.

Monday, 1 April 2013

We made it....1000 views!

We did it Room one! We made it to 1000 views by the end of March. We are now on 1012 views. I am very proud of us.
What do you think our goal should be for the end of April?
Miss Coffer